A cloud computing platform for 3d digitisation, documentation, conservation and dissemination of cultural heritage, and 3d reconstruction.
Information and communication technologies offer to the cultural world new possibilities for exchanging, creating, educating and sharing knowledge, thereby considerably widening access to culture and heritage. CULTURE 3D CLOUDS is part of an approach that aims to create a technical breakthrough in the field of digitisation of heritage artefacts to enable new viable economic models to emerge. CULTURE 3D CLOUDS is a cloud computing platform for the 3D digitisation, documentation, conservation and dissemination of cultural heritage. The field of 3D digitisation of heritage artefacts is slowly evolving and provides resources only to researchers and specialists. The technology and equipment used for 3D digitisation are sophisticated and require highly specialised skills. The cost is high and restricts widespread use. The CULTURE 3D CLOUDS project aims to put capture back into the hands of photographers and distribution into the hands of agencies and image banks, which will develop a value chain to market 3D reproductions on demand, for their customers, and to extend the market to the heritage enhancement professions (commercial, publishers, broadcasters, general public).
Website archive: http://c3dc.fr : https://web.archive.org/web/20190213180919/http://c3dc.fr/
Calendar : 2012-2015
Funding: Appel « Développement de l’Économie Numérique : technologies de numérisation et valorisation des contenus culturels, scientifiques et éducatifs » (Grand Emprunt – Investissement d’Avenir – Ministère de l’Industrie, Ministère de la Culture, Caisse des dépôts)
Partners : RMN, CMN, IGN, MAP (UMR 3495 CNRS/MCC), CEA-LIST, ETIS, INRIA, EISTI, Institut Télécom, reciproque, ActiveEON, ATEME, BeIngenious, HPC Project, Xedix, Val-Images.
MAP’s role: Coordinateur scientifique et technique du projet
Contact: Livio DE LUCA
Alliez, P., Forge, F., De Luca, L., Pierrot-Deseilligny, M., & Preda, M. (2017). Culture 3D Cloud: A Cloud Computing Platform for 3D Scanning, Documentation, Preservation and Dissemination of Cultural Heritage. ERCIM News, 111, 64. https://ercim-news.ercim.eu/en111/special/culture-3d-cloud
Pamart, A., & Alliez, P. (2016, December 30). Live presentation of Culture 3D Cloud (C3DC) platform. PARTHENOS Workshop Digital 3D objects in Art and Humanities:challenges of creation, interoperability and preservation, Bordeaux. https://www.canal-u.tv/video/humanum/live_presentation_of_culture_3d_cloud_c3dc_platform.34039