The MAP laboratory works explores an interdisciplinary research area: heritage as facts, as knowledge and as know-how. While the architectural scale remains a privileged point of entry, it is no longer the unit’s exclusive scale of observation. The partnerships forged by the laboratory through recurring links or one-off research projects and training schemes reflect its desire to open up to both academic and societal players.
CICRP (Centre Interrégional de Conservation et de Protection du Patrimoine)
Chantier scientifique Notre-Dame de Paris – CNRS MITI – MC Directorate-General for Heritage and Architecture
Fondation des Sciences du Patrimoine (including academics and cultural institutions such as INP, Louvre, Chateau de Versailles, BNF, Centre Pompidou, …), working as a coordinator for the French secton of E-RIHS (European Research Infrastructure on Heritage Science)
UMR 7061 PRISM (Perception Representations Image Sound Music)
3D Consortium of the research infrastructure Huma-Num
SFERE-Provence, Aix-Marseille Université (Structure Fédérative d’Études et de Recherches en Éducation de Provence FED4238)
CNRS Formation Entreprise
CERI (Centre d’Enseignement et de Recherche en Informatique) – University of Avignon
ENSA.M (Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Marseille)
Association Citadelle de Marseille (member of the SOS group), project owner for « Citadelle de Marseille » working on the restoration and reopening of the Fort Saint-Nicolas in Marseille